Our multi-disciplinary team of experts at Constructive Building Consultants provides a variety of additional services, with expertise across disciplines such as BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) Assessment, and Access consulting.
Ancillary Services

Perth Services: SDA Assessors, Access Consultants & BAL Assessors
Bushfire Planning and Design
We are Level 1 Accredited Practitioners under the Bushfire Planning and Design Accreditation Scheme. Our training in this field, combined with our building surveying knowledge, provides us with a unique combination of skills and expertise that are useful in effective bushfire planning and construction, such as:
- Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessments
- Bushfire Management Plans
Fire safety engineering
Constructive Building Consultants offer the knowledge, experience, and resources necessary to implement performance-based building design through practical fire safety engineering solutions. We’ll help you design your innovative project in a way that complies with local building codes and regulations, as well as protecting your investment – and of course the people that use your building.

Access consulting
Constructive Building Consultants can provide specialist advice on access to the built environment and help you formulate a building design that overcomes a range of access challenges. Working with you from early on in your project, we can assist you to achieve access within the built environment for people with physical, sensory and other forms of disability, along with their families and carers. We are well versed in current anti-discrimination laws, work health and safety legislation, and building control regulations.
Essential services management
All building owners and facilities managers must ensure that the essential services installed within their buildings are performing to the codes and standards to which they were installed. We will help you implement maintenance and certification practices to ensure the building meets or exceeds your compliance obligations.